Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Green finds

I came across the R.A.S.T.A. project while browsing the Sanuk website about a month ago and was truly delighted to find out that this footwear company is making strides for the environment! I own a couple pairs of Sanuks myself and I have to say, they are the most comfortable pair of shoes or "shoe-sandals" I own! This project was started by David Rastovich, a professional surfer and environmentalist. He won the  Environmentalist of the Year award for his work in saving marine life and oceans. He teamed up with Sanuk to produce a sustainable line of Sanuks. The materials in this footwear line are made with low-impact materials that are easy on the environment! Not to mention, the collection is quite stylish! Check out the line here:

Common Threads: the Rasta/Shigley project is a documentary film which is "a story of art and conservation, with just a touch of surfing." David Rastovich teamed up with artist and humanitarian, Neil Shigley, for this documentary. You can watch the 20-minute documentary here:

Another cool website I came across is Green Patriot Posters, which is a communications campaign, aims to reach the masses about the environment through green propaganda, just as the U.S. did with those clever posters from WWII, such as the famous Rosie the Riveter "We can do it!" poster. Here are a few posters from the website:

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!




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